Helen Jedlicka Mandigo Award
The Helen Jedlicka Mandigo award provides student scholarships based on need and merit, especially for students with potential in social leadership roles. Its current endowment supports seven $250 undergraduate scholarships annually, one in each of the major’s specialty areas. A larger endowment will support larger awards. For more information on the award’s criteria, means of determination, and current endowment, contact the department chair.
Donald M. Baer Faculty Fund
The Donald M. Baer Faculty Fund recognizes a full professor’s outstanding contributions to the experimental analysis of behavior, applied behavior analysis, or the conceptual foundations of behavior analysis for understanding and improving the human condition. Its current endowment supports a $4,000 award annually. A larger endowment will support larger awards. Its goal is an endowment of $250,000. For more information on the award’s criteria, means of determination, and current endowment, contact the department chair.
Donald M. Baer and Elsie M. Pinkston Professorship
The Donald M. Baer and Elsie M. Pinkston Professorship will supplement a named professorship in applied behavior analysis - theory, research, or practice. Its goal is an endowment of $500,000. For more information on the award’s criteria, means of determination, and current endowment, contact the department chair.
Todd R. Risley Student Award
The Todd R. Risley Student Award supports graduate student dissertations, conference presentations, and activities related to scalable and sustainable solutions to human problems. Its current endowment supports one $500 scholarship annually. A larger endowment will support more awards. For more information on the award’s criteria, means of determination, and current endowment, contact the department chair.
Montrose M. Wolf Student Scholars Award
The Montrose M. Wolf Student Scholars Award supports and recognizes students’ professional activities and achievements. Its current endowment supports $850 in awards annually. A larger endowment will support more and larger awards. For more information on the award’s criteria, means of determination, and current endowment, contact the department chairperson.
Any of the Department's expendable funds, except those for the individual undergraduate concentrations, may be permanently endowed with a donation of $30,000 or more. Each $30,000 generates about $1,250 in interest annually to support the fund, award, scholarship, or fellowship. Individual undergraduate specialty areas are not endowed because they may change due to evolving societal needs, as well as to changes in the Department's ability to support them. The General Undergraduate Fellowship Fund, however, may be endowed to support these areas in general. The funds in any discontinued specialty area revert to the General Undergraduate Fellowship Fund. The funds in any discontinued expendable account revert to the Department's Unrestricted Endowment Account.
All funds are administered jointly by the Department chairperson and the KUEA. All awards, scholarships, and fellowships are administered by the Department's Awards Committee.
Giving Contacts
Claudia Dozier, Department Chair
Department of Applied Behavioral Science
University of Kansas
1000 Sunnyside Avenue
Lawrence, KS 66045
Dan Simon
KU Endowment Building
University of Kansas
Lawrence, KS 66045