Christina Alligood

- Associate Professor of the Practice
Contact Info
Biography —
Dr. Christy Alligood is a doctoral-level Board Certified Behavior Analyst whose 20 years of experience spans the science and practice of behavior analysis. She began her career in behavior analysis conducting human operant research on emergent stimulus relations in adults and children. She has also worked in home, school, and clinic settings with children with challenging behavior and their caregivers and teachers, and has supervised students in these areas of practice. For over 14 years, Dr. Alligood has used her expertise in the application of behavior analysis to enhance the welfare of nonhuman animals through cooperative training, environmental enrichment, behavioral problem solving, and behavior change strategies supporting the conservation of wildlife and wild places. At Disney’s Animals, Science, and Environment, much of her initial work focused on a multi-faceted conservation program for Key Largo woodrats, which received a Bean Award for Significant Achievement in Captive Breeding from the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (2009) and a Federal Challenge Grant (2010) in collaboration with the Crocodile Lake National Wildlife Refuge for population monitoring work on Key Largo. More recently she has worked with the Behavioral Husbandry team, where she focuses on projects involving training, enrichment, and animal learning in a wide variety of nonhuman animal species, as well as science communication to both internal staff and the general public.
Dr. Alligood has taught undergraduate and graduate courses in on-ground, online, and hybrid formats. She has taught courses focusing on a variety of topics, including introductory behavior analysis, research methods, radical behaviorism, supervision, and applications of behavior analysis with humans and animals. She maintains a strong interest in designing effective, evidence-based instruction, and has used innovative methods such as interteaching and student-led inquiry in online instruction. She was a 2021 nominee for the University of Florida College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Teacher of the Year Award. Outside the higher-education setting, Dr. Alligood has taught professional development courses for behavior analysts and animal professionals. She is an instructor for the Association of Zoos and Aquariums “Environmental Enrichment in Zoos and Aquariums” course, and the creator and instructor of the BehaviorWorks “How Research Works” course.
Dr. Alligood has served in many leadership roles in the Association for Behavior Analysis International, including president of the Applied Animal Behavior Special Interest Group, Coordinator of the Special Interest Groups Board, Co-coordinator of the Applied Animal Behavior program area, and At-large Representative to the Executive Council. She is also a past president and secretary of the Southeastern Association for Behavior Analysis. She is currently a general member of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums Behavior Advisory Group serving on the Culture Change working group. She sits on the editorial boards of Zoo Biology and the Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior (JEAB) In 2022, she was the guest editor of a special issue of JEAB, “Strengthening the Research-Practice Loop in Applied Animal Behavior”. She frequently serves as an ad-hoc reviewer for other behavior-analytic and animal-focused journals, and as a grant reviewer for the Disney Conservation Fund. She has published in both peer-reviewed and popular outlets on topics related to applications of behavior analysis with animals as well as graduate training in behavior analysis. She is also frequently invited to speak at regional, national, and international conferences, and has given over 50 scholarly presentations.
Education —
minor in music
- Applied Behavior Analysis
- Experimental Analysis of Behavior
- Philosophy of Behavior Analysis
- Instructional Design
- Science Communication
Selected Publications —
Recent popular press publications
These and others available at and
Alligood, C.A., and Friedman, S.G. (2022). Modern Animal Care: A Skinnerian perspective on choice and control. Operants Magazine 2022-1: 41-45.
Alligood C., Skurski, M., and Miller, A. (2020). What we know about the bridge. Animal Keepers’ Forum 47(2): 54-57.
Skurski, M.L., Miller, A.M., and Alligood, C.A. (2019). Inspiring the next level of enrichment development. AZA Connect magazine, May 2019.
Recent peer-reviewed publications
Alligood, C., Edwards, T. and Mahoney, A. (2022), Strengthening the research–practice loop in applied animal behavior: Introduction to the special issue. Jrnl Exper Analysis Behavior, 118: 181-185.
Alligood, C.A. and Gravina, N.E. (2020). Branching out: Finding success in new areas of practice. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 14: 283-289.
Alligood, C.A., Anderson, C., and McGee, H. (2018). Casting a wider net: An analysis of scholarly contributions of behavior analysis graduate program faculty. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 12: 466-472.
Alligood, C.A., Dorey, N.R., Mehrkam, L.R., & Leighty, K.A. (2017). Applying behavior-analytic methodology to the science and practice of environmental enrichment in zoos and aquariums. Zoo Biology 36:175-185.
Alligood, C. & Leighty, K. (2015). Putting the “E” in SPIDER: Evolving trends in the evaluation of enrichment efficacy in zoological settings. Animal Behavior and Cognition, 2(3), 200-217.
Posta, B., Leighty, K.A., Alligood, C.A., & Carlstead, K. (2013). Using science to understand elephant welfare. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science 16: 395-396.
Selected Presentations —
Recent Presentations
Alligood, C. (2022, October). Behavior analysis as an animal care tool in zoos and aquariums. Invited address at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Association for Behavior Analysis, St. Louis, MO.
Alligood, C. (2022, March). Behavior analysis as an animal care tool in zoos and aquariums. Invited address at the annual meeting of the Connecticut Association for Behavior Analysis, online.
Alligood, C. (2022, January). Lab Coat Optional: What it means to be a science-based trainer. Invited address at Clicker Expo: Live!, online.
Alligood, C. (2021, May). Behavior analysis as an animal care tool in zoos and aquariums. Invited address at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis International, online.
Dubuque, E.M., Alligood, C., and Perone, M. (2021, May). Quality indicators in Applied Behavior Analysis training programs. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis International, online.
Alligood, C. – Discussant (2021, May). Preference and reinforcer assessments in domestic and captive animals. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis International, online.
Alligood, C. (2020, November). Supporting meaningful student outcomes in the online environment. Keynote address for the Online Teaching of Psychology Conference, online (
Alligood, C., Maraccini, A.M., and Twyman, J.S. (2020, May). Professional Development Series: Branching Out: Finding success in diverse areas of practice. Panel discussion at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis International, online.
Alligood, C. – Discussant (2020, May). Applications of functional analysis methodology to feline aggression. Symposium at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis International, online.
Alligood, C. (2020, January). A Behavior Analyst Goes to the Zoo. Invited workshop for the Kansas Association for Behavior Analysis, Overland Park, KS.
Alligood, C. (2019, July). Environmental enrichment as behavior support. Invited address at the Convergence of Human and Animal Training and Technology Conference, Seattle, WA.