Edward Morris

- Professor Emeritus
Contact Info
Biography —
Dr. Edward K. Morris is a Professor in the Department of Applied Behavioral Science (ABS) at the University of Kansas. He received a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Psychology from Denison University and a Master’s and Ph.D. degree in Psychology from the University of Illinois, with a specialty in developmental psychology. His current interests are in the historical and conceptual foundations of behavior analysis and its complementariness with other behavioral, social, and cognitive sciences. He has served as the ABS chairperson and today directs its Center for the History of Behavior Analysis. He has been editor of The Behavior Analyst (now Perspectives on Behavioral Science), The Interbehaviorist, and The Recorder, as well as president of the Association for Behavior Analysis International, the American Psychological Association (APA) Division 25 for Behavior Analysis, and APA Division 26 for the Society for the History of Psychology, and he founded the Kansas Association for Behavior Analysis (KansABA). At present, he is on the editorial and advisory boards of Behavior and Social Issues, the Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies, the B. F. Skinner Foundation, and KansABA.
Teaching —
Teaching interests:
- ABSC 509 Conceptual Foundations of Behavioral Science
- ABSC 800 Conceptual Foundations of Behavior Analysis
- ABSC 901 Analysis of Everyday Human Behavior
- ABSC 931 Analysis of Verbal Behavior
- ABSC 981 History of Behavior Analysis