Basic Research and Conceptual Foundations
Students pursuing the basic research option learn about behavioral processes and research methods and acquire skills in the experimental analysis of behavior. Students completing this option complete a two-semester hands-on practicum in which they assist in the conduct of research on human or nonhuman behavioral processes. Students are involved in all aspects of the research endeavor, from conceptualization of problems to data collection, analysis, and presentation. Students pursuing this option are required to complete an introductory course in statistics.
Introductory Course (3 hrs)
ABSC 100 Introduction to Applied Behavioral Science (3)
ABSC 101 Introduction to Applied Behavioral Science, Honors (3)
Core Knowledge Courses (10 hrs)
ABSC 304 Principles and Procedures of Behavior Modification and Therapy (3)
ABSC 308 Research Methods and Applications (4)
ABSC 509 Contemporary Behavioral Science (3)
Statistics (3 hrs)
PSYC 210/211 Statistics in Psychological Research/Honors (3)
Concentration Electives (at least 11 hrs)
Any junior-senior level ABSC courses, except those already required as introductory and core knowledge courses. Additionally, practicum courses (ABSC 675-699) do not count toward specialty area elective hours. The courses below are recommended; please see a specialty area advisor for more specific recommendations.
ABSC 360 Drugs, Addiction, & Behavior (3)
ABSC 425 Teaching Apprenticeship in Applied Behavioral Science (3)
ABSC 470 Organizational Behavior Management (3)
ABSC 535 Developmental Psychopathology (3)
ABSC 565 Applied Developmental Psychology (3)
ABSC 599*^ Honors & Thesis in Applied Behavioral Science (1-5)
ABSC 632 Advanced Child Behavior and Development (3)
ABSC 671 Applied Behavior Analysis (3)
ABSC 735 Within Subjects Research Methodology and Direct Observation (3)
ABSC 479*^ Study Abroad Topics (1-5)
ABSC 489*^ Directed Readings (1-3)
ABSC 499*^ Directed Research (1-3)
ABSC 799 Experimental Analysis of Behavior (3)
ABSC 800 Conceptual Foundations in Applied Behavioral Science
* No more than 6 credit hours of these courses count toward ABS major hours.
^ Requires instructor permission.
Practicum (6-10 hrs)
Two semesters of practicum are required. Practicum courses are offered for 3-6 credit hours during the Fall and Spring semesters, and 3 hours during the summer session. The prerequisite is the permission of the supervisor, as space permits.
ABSC 692 Practicum in Basic Research (3-6)
Faculty Members
Professors Jon Pinkston and Michael Amlung.
Students pursuing the conceptual foundations option learn about contemporary conceptual issues in behavior analysis, its history and philosophy, and its relations with the behavioral, social, and cognitive sciences in general. As a result, they acquire skills in critical thinking about behavior and the behavior of scientists. Students who complete this option complete a two-semester practicum in which they read and research a relevant literature and write a paper that advances their understanding of the field.
Introductory Course (3 hrs)
ABSC 100 Introduction to Applied Behavioral Science (3)
ABSC 101 Introduction to Applied Behavioral Science, Honors (3)
Core Knowledge Courses (10 hrs)
ABSC 304 Principles and Procedures of Behavior Modification and Therapy (3)
ABSC 308 Research Methods and Applications (4)
ABSC 509 Contemporary Behavioral Science: Historical, Conceptual, and Comparative Foundations (3)
Statistics (3 hrs)
PSYC 210/211 Statistics in Psychological Research/Honors (3)
Required Concentration Course (3 hrs).
ABSC 800 Conceptual Foundations in Applied Behavioral Science (3)
Concentration Electives (at least 8 hrs)
Any junior-senior level ABSC courses, except those already required as introductory and core knowledge courses. Additionally, practicum courses (ABSC 675-699) do not count toward specialty area elective hours. The courses below are recommended; please see a specialty area advisor for more specific recommendations.
ABSC 360 Drugs, Addiction, & Behavior (3)
ABSC 425 Teaching Apprenticeship in Applied Behavioral Science (3)
ABSC 470 Organizational Behavior Management (3)
ABSC 479*^ Study Abroad Topics (1-5)
ABSC 489*^ Directed Readings (1-3)
ABSC 499*^ Directed Research (1-3)
ABSC 535 Developmental Psychopathology (3)
ABSC 565 Applied Developmental Psychology (3)
ABSC 599*^ Honors & Thesis in Applied Behavioral Science (1-5)
ABSC 632 Advanced Child Behavior and Development (3)
ABSC 671 Applied Behavior Analysis (3)
ABSC 735 Within Subjects Research Methodology and Direct Observation (3)
ABSC 799 Experimental Analysis of Behavior (3)
* No more than 6 credit hours of these courses count toward ABS major hours.
^ Requires instructor permission.
Practicum (6-10 hrs)
Two semesters of practicum are required. Practicum courses are offered for 3-6 credit hours during the fall and spring semesters, and 3 hours during the summer session. The prerequisite is the permission of the supervisor, as space permits.
ABSC 693 Practicum in Conceptual Foundations (3-6)